Spring Rowing Information

Week of 3/18/23: The weather is looking favorable to get on the water this week. Monday will be our last practice at Crestwood High School.
Schedule for this week:
Monday 3/20 @ CHS 3-5pm
Tuesday 3/21 @ WBC 5-7pm
Wednesday 3/22 – No practice (Parent teacher conference)
Thursday 3/23 @ WBC 5-7pm
Friday 3/24 – No practice
Saturday 3/25 WBC Sprints, racing begins at 9am @WBC. Rowers need to be at the WBC by 8:30am. The first race of the day is the Youth Race (500m for Kids in grades 6,7,8th grade) so bring down little brothers and sisters. There is no fee to race.
Sunday 3/26 No practice
FYI, 5pm means ready to launch, not just arriving at the WBC. Before we launch, coaches boats need to be put in the water and oars need to be out. After Ramadan ends, practice times will move to 6-8pm.
Schedule for Spring Break Week:
Monday – Friday 3-7pm @ WBC
Saturday TBD
Please contact me if you have any questions,
Mr. Milewski