EL Links

Links to English Learner Resources

For Teachers

Wayne RESA EL HandbookCreated by Wayne RESA in 2023 for classroom teachers
MDE EL SupportsResources collected by an EL Advisory Committee for the Michigan Department of Education
Color in ColoradoBilingual (Spanish) site for Teachers & Families of EL students
WIDA ELD Standards 2020Latest Edition of the WIDA English Language Development Standards
MDE EL ResourcesState of Michigan EL specific links
CAL SIOPThe original Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model
AI for MLPadlet with Artificial Intelligence links for Multilingual Learners
WCEPS PathwaysFor educators to understand the products and services WCEPS offers

For Students:

WIDA Access Practice TestsTest Practice & Sample Items created by WIDA

For my ease of navigation:

WIDA Secure Portal
DRC InsightData Recognition Corp
MiLoginAccess to MDE Secure Site (MiLogin for Business)
MOECS – SCECHMichigan Online Educator Certification System (MOECS)
MDE WIDAState of Michigan WIDA landing page
MDE MemosState of Michigan Education Memos